Elder Ryan R. Nunez

Costa Rica San Jose Mission
September 2008 - September 2010

Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Vamos a bautizar con fervor!"

You broke your foot!?!?!? What happened? I´m sorry to hear about that. I´m glad the neighbors have been there to help, we have a great neighborhood now. =)
I am glad however to hear that Dad could finally get back to work and that he´s happy about it too. Tell Ashley and Logan I wish them luck on their finals. School is almost over for the year isn´t it??? Freak, where has the year gone? Time is flying by and I´m not even paying attention to it.
Haha, Dinner has met it´s maker. I´m not sure whether I´m laughing cause that rooster is STILL hanging around Grandma and Grandpa´s or because of the shear irony the name I gave it sealed it´s fate. =P

Alright, here´s the scoop for the week. Tuesday we had our final interviews with Presidente Arbizú, and Wednesday at Zone Conference Presidente, Hna. Arbizú, and their daughter all gave their final testimonies to Zona Norte. It´s sad to see them go, and weird to think I´ve only known them for 6 months. Presidente Arbizú is so awesome, I never get tired of hearing him speak. My final interview with him was really cool, the message he had for me was something I really needed to hear and to think about. I´ll get to that later. They also showed us a quick powerpoint presentation about Presidente Galvez and his family. We´re all excited and scared at the same time for the new mission president. We´re interested in seeing what might be changed, but we´re all scared that Changes Meeting might be done away with as we know it. I´ve heard it said if that happens there might be a small revolt... =P I don´t know, I´m curious to see what happens.

Tuesday through Thursday I was on divisions with my district leader, Elder Gonzalez. Wow, talk about a man who knows how to teach! I´ve never been more amazed in my life, I tried to learn as much from him in those days as I could. But ultimately he told me there´s only one thing I really need to learn, and it was the same thing Presidente Arbizú addressed to me. NO FEAR. I don´t know if it´s been because I´ve felt unsure about my language abilities or self-conscience about myself or what, but I really have been a little more timid than I have been for a long while. Elder Gonzalez told me that anything he did in the days I was with him, I could do just as well. Anything he said, I could´ve said. I understand everything I hear, I have no problems speaking, it´s all just in my head. After divisions, everything changed for me.
My companion Elder Maradiaga is pretty quiet, I don´t know if I´ve mentioned this before. I can barely hear him most of the time when he talks because he´s so quiet, almost a whisper. The last 3 days of the week I changed how I do things personally. I´ve been doing all the planning and stuff anyway, but I have something now I was faulting before: CONFIDENCE! In those 3 days I can see the change for myself. Our numbers were so much higher, we contacted so many more people, taught so many more lessons in one day than we had prior, and I put a fecha for baptism on my own. I feel like I finally kicked the training wheels off. =P

All in all I feel good, and I have high hopes for this month. You can tell Derek I´m baptizing for his birthday. =P I put a fecha with Andres, our 13 year old skater boy, for June 20th. He was super excited and I feel really good with where he´s at. This week we´re focusing on fellowshipping a bit more with him and some members that live close by.
Also we´re teaching a 16 year old kid named Robin, but we´ve hit a brick wall with him at the moment. His mom won´t let us pass by the house, so we´ve been teaching him in the house of some members. Yesterday he told us that his mom won´t give him permission to be baptized, which is the first thing he told us he wanted when we started teaching him. In this case the only power we have is that of prayer: but oh what a power that is. I KNOW with everything in me we can baptize Robin before I leave the area, but I´m gonna need your prayers to make that happen. But it WILL happen. =)
One the flip side we have 2 other people we´re teaching I´m going to need some prayerful help as well. One is a 23 year old guy named Juan Carlos, the other a 19 year old girl named Pamela, but they both need the same thing and have the same desire: To learn more and gain a testimony of their own. Juan Carlos found a new job so that he could go to church Sundays, and we´re having a Family Home Evening with some members tonight with Pamela. I have high hopes for both of them because they both want to know for themselves if what we´re teaching is true, they have a desire to learn and to know. We just need to pray that they´ll be able to feel and understand the answer to their prayers.
All in all, things are starting to turn around here. =D

We´ve also been working on gaining the confidence of the members, which with previous missionaries seems to have been lost. We´ve started with our branch president and his family, and little by little I can see that they´re opening up to us. It´s a good feeling when the members invite you over to their house for a change. =D

Ummm…oh yeah, I´ll give you the run down on the English classes I´m teaching. For starters, there´s a reason I never, EVER want to teach grade school, and my classes here just help to reinforce that reason. LITTLE KIDS ARE CRAZY!!!!! I´m teaching SEVEN little kids ages 9-12 english.
…yeah…good luck with that… =P
There are 2 kids that really want to learn, and they know quite a bit already. But the other 5…yeah…yeah…about that. =P The classes are fun nonetheless, I always feel good afterwards and when I see my students in the street. They call me “Profi”.
…yeah…I feel cool. =D

Alright well I don´t have much else to say…which is good because I´m pretty sure I just hit 3 pages with this email. =P The shoe laces on my Doc Boots snapped a few days ago. I managed to “repair” them as only a guy can. Just think about that for a minute… =P Hopefully I´ll get the package soon. Next Monday we´re having a mission-wide activity in San José, and we have permission to go (some areas are too far from San José to go and return in 1 day, so we got lucky being 3 hours from the city). I´m pretty sure I´ll get the package there…I think… We´ll just have to wait and see. =P

Oh yeah, guess what? I turn 21 in 3 months! How bout them apples? =P

Alright I better jet before I write anything more and meaningless on top of that. I love you all and I hope everyone is doing well. Tell everyone I say hi and that I´m working hard and loving life. Take care and I´ll talk to you next week. =)

Your Son,
Elder Nunie

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