Elder Ryan R. Nunez

Costa Rica San Jose Mission
September 2008 - September 2010

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sick or not, I'm gonna work

Yeah I got everything in the package, no worries there. Thank you again. =)
Tylan wrote me to tell me what happened. He´s walking a thin line right now, in and out of sickness like that. I can only pray he´ll come out on top through it all. I hate to hear my brother has had to endure so much in these few months, but I know he´s being watched over. As long as he keeps listening to the Spirit, all is well in Zion. =)
Nathan getting engaged, that makes 10 people I know now married or engaged since I´ve been in the mission! I´ve only been gone for 8 months! That´s just insane.

Whew, well it´s been a long week. For starters I got sick Tuesday, not sure with what, but it stayed with me till about Thursday afternoon. Sick to my stomach, migraines, body aches, throwing up, etc. etc. It wasn´t fun. I made the effort to try and work though. I made myself a promise I was going to work every day, rain or shine, sick or no, because that´s what I´m here to do and dang it, I´m gonna do it! For those 3 days we ended up leaving at about 4 or 5 p.m. to work, when it was cooler outside. I´m feeling better now but my stomach is still bother me sometimes. I haven´t eaten much, in fact Tuesday through Thursday I didn´t eat anything at all. The very thought of food makes me nauseated. =(
On the bright side I lost 5 pounds! I´m right back to where I was when I graduated now, a nice 130 lbs. That makes me happy. =P

But even with my being sick Elder Maradiaga and I made some huge improvements in the area this week. We brought 2 investigators to church, found a lot of new people to teach, and we´ve got 3 baptisms in planning. One, a 13 year-old kid named Carlos Andres. He´s reading, he has the desire to be baptized, we just need to get him to come to church consistently. We brought him with us Sunday and he enjoyed it. We´re going to try and put another fecha with him this week. Wish us luck!
Another hopeful is Nixon, but the man needs to get married before we can make the challenge for baptism. He´s willing, but wedding bells are what are keeping him from the gold right now.
Last but certainly not least is Michaela. She´s a foreign exchange student from Australia who´s living with one of our less active families. We had a family home evening with them Saturday night and I ended up teaching her the first lesson and parts of the Plan of Salvation.
First off, teaching in english is really, REALLY weird. Talking in english is weird enough after 2 months of straight spanish with my companions, but teaching after 6 months of spanish was just weird. I had to try and remember words in english and, well, it was pretty funny. But she was really receptive and Elder Litchfield and I are going to teach her again next Saturday after our English classes. It´ll be interesting how things play out there.

Bytheway, those pasta sides you sent in the package were a great idea. Muy rico. =D Elder Litchfield and I realized sending missionaries a package isn´t the easiest thing because only we know what we need and what we have access to hear, so we put together this little list of possibilities. =)

1) Fotos. I especially need a family foto still that I can carry around with me.
2) Music. Litchfield is a little better off than I am in this department since he has an Ipod, but I can only listen to the same 4 CDs before my comp wants to kill me. =P
3) Any easy to send candy is a treat. Starburst jellybeans, twizzlers, Reese´s Pieces, anything like that is great. Because as I said on the phone, sweetness doesn´t exist here. =P
4) Any off the wall things we might mention. Like right now I´m hurting for shoe laces. The laces on my Doc shoes are about ready to snap, so I need to tough, black laces to replace them with. Unfortunately you can´t just buy shoe laces in this country. I´m also in need of a vial for oil, since my last one got jacked while I was in the León XIII and I won´t be going to the temple any time soon (like until December).

Well...I can´t think of anything else for the week. =P The work continues, the rain falls harder and more often now. I´m going to pull some money out of the account today to buy an umbrella finally. We have our last interviews with Presidente Arbizú tomorrow and then Zone Conference Wednesday, all in San Ramon. I´m hoping I can find a good umbrella while we´re there. =)

I love you all and I hope this finds you well and happy. Take care and I´ll follow up with the "To Be Continued..." next week! ¡Les amo!

Your Son,
Elder Nunie


  1. Awww, What a swwet misssionarie spirit! Being sick away from home is the worst feeling...I know that! Thank you for the list!
    Cynthia...What pasta sides did you send?

  2. I sent the packages of pasta sides that you find in the pasta and rice isle...the ones that you only have to add hot water too...I don't remember what brand...maybe Uncle Ben's or Knors. I thought they would be easy for him to fix and they were easy to mail to him.

  3. Hi Cynthia...I found this Blog a couple of weeks ago of another great and Fun YM serving in Costa Rica...I tought you might enjoy reading and seeing his pictures and videos.
    I hope Elder Nuñez feels better this week. Take care!♥
