Elder Ryan R. Nunez

Costa Rica San Jose Mission
September 2008 - September 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Una Semana de Locuras

This last week was more than a little crazy. Monday we went to Ciudad Neilly and spent the night there. Tuesday we had Zone Conference in Rio Claro, which was one of the best conferences I´ve had in my mission. 20 months in the mission, and there´s still so much I need to learn. There´s always something we need to do better.
After conference we were told at the last minute that my companion, Elder Centeno, had to go to San José to get his residency. Well that put us off on some weird divisions. I went back to San Vito with Elder Fotheringham, one of the missionaries in Golfito. We got home late Tuesday night, but Wednesday we had some big appointments planned. Those plans got destroyed when we got a call from the missionaries in Puerto Jimenez if we got pull together some baptism clothes and bring them to Ciudad Neilly. On top of that, I needed to figure out a few things about some checks that were spent, which added to my growing headache of the day. Well, after running around town all morning we had to once again descend from the mountaintops into Ciudad Neilly, having to drop the appointments we had in my area. Suposedly I was going to meet up with my companion in Rio Claro, but the missionary he was with didn´t listen to us and went straight to his own area with my companion. We didn´t end up getting into my area again until Thursday night. In other words, my area went 4 days without any missionary work. Something I wasn´t the least bit happy about.
To top it all off, my district leader called Friday morning and wanted to do divisions that same day. Apparently the zone leaders wanted us to put a baptismal date with a lady we´re teaching, but she hasn´t even been to church yet. I shut them all down. One, there was no way on earth I was gonna go BACK to Ciudad Neilly to do divisions. And secondly, why would I put a baptism date with someone who hasn´t gone to church once?
Finally in my area once again, I found out that President Soto, First Counselor of the Mission, was coming to San Vito Saturday and Sunday. I had a day to organize everything. Saturday night President Soto was suppose to leave with us to work, but he ended up not coming up Saturday night. Sunday morning we went to the chapel at 7 a.m. to meet with President Soto, but he never showed. Apparently there was a change of plans.
But, through all the headaches of the week, we did have some success. Saturday night we found a new family, of which they´ve been looking for something to fortify their family and better their relationships one with another. Secondly, we had 31 people in church on Sunday. That might not sound like a lot, but considering last week we had but 18, I was happy with it. Now to try and maintain that. Finally, I organized our home teaching for the branch as well. I´m learning a lot, of which I am thankful. I never thought I´d find myself where I am now, but it´s an experience I´ll never forget.

I hope you all continue to enjoy your summer vacation and that you all stay safe as well. Take care, enjoy the blessings you now have, and keep on keeping on. =)

I love you all.

Tu Hijo,
Elder Nunie