Elder Ryan R. Nunez

Costa Rica San Jose Mission
September 2008 - September 2010

Monday, October 5, 2009


Woohoo! I´m glad the package got to you guys alright! That was really nice of the guy who offered to send it to you guys, I owe him an ever greater thanks because I wasn´t the one to put the chocolate covered passion fruit in there, that had to be him!

Well, I forgot to mention this last week, but last Sunday my annual sinus infection decided to kick my butt. Sunday I could feel it starting, Monday I just had a sore throat, but then from Tuesday on I was dead. It was a miserable week. I still have meds from when I was in the MTC, but sadly those expired at the end of September...so yeah. My nose is still running but that horrible cough I always get is finally faded and I don´t feel like a zombie anymore. Thankfully.

Wednesday we met with our Ward Mission Leader, Rand Layton. We´re going to start planning a Hawaiian Luhau (spelling???) for November. We need to get the members off their lazy butts and get them excited about the work, because the church IS missionary work! Rand is way cool, I´m really glad I have the chance to work with him. We´re also planning on having a capacitation meeting about Preach My Gospel for the members, because none of them know anything about it. And since it´s the literal manual of missionary work, they really need to know about it. Everything we do is because Preach My Gospel says we to do it, so it´s that much more important that the members understand it as well. I´ve put my plans together, since Elder Muñoz and I will be the ones leading the capacitation. I´m actually using part of my internet time today to throw together a Power Point Presentation. I figure a half hour should be enough time to write home. =D

I´m really glad you got to see Conference, Pres. Gálvez had all of us missionaries in EVERY session of Conference. I think that might be because we won´t have P-Day next week due to Zone Conference. =P
But I really enjoyed every talk during Conference, especially Elder Holland´s testimony. Everyone of us missionaries were like "Oh my gosh...that´s testifying with POWER!" I hope Dad and Logan had the chance to go to the Priesthood Session Saturday night. If not you should read over those talks when you can with Logan when they´re available. All in all Conference was amazing. I received a lot of answers to prayers and guidance about what we can do for some investigators we have. Really incredible.

Oh yeah, I don´t know if I mentioned this before. In my zone is an Elder Squirres from Nampa area. It´s good to have more Idaho blood in the mission, we´re an endangered species right now. =P

Well I don´t have much else to report on for the week, with me being sick nothing exciting happened. Just working in the rain. Coughing a lot. Losing my voice. That sort of thing. =P No really, I´m fine now. Happy and halfway healthy. =D
Tell Ashley I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And that I found a T-Shirt I´m sending her for Christmas. I´m pretty sure she´ll like it.

Well family, I´m wet and cold from the rain. I forgot my umbrella today and we made the mistake of hanging out outside... =( I hope you all have a great week and I´ll be waiting to hear from you next week. Tell everyone I say hi and that I´m lovin life, as per usual. I love you all!

Tu Hijo,
Elder Nunie

P.S.- I bet Prima Veronica was SUPER excited about the temple announcement for Concepcion! I was freaking out when President Monson announced it!

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