Elder Ryan R. Nunez

Costa Rica San Jose Mission
September 2008 - September 2010

Monday, September 28, 2009

Baptizing At One Year

Wow this week flew by. Where to start, where to start. Well, to answer your question, the church meetings are held in spanish, but about 40% of the ward are gringos and a good 30% of them don´t speak spanish, so they have translators for them. Weird stuff.

You´re totally right , this last year HAS gone by fast. I really don´t believe I´ve been out here for a year, it really doesn´t feel like it.

First off, Friday we had interviews with Pres. Gálvez. I love President Gálvez, he puts such a personal feeling to everything he does and with 150 some missionaries under his direction it´s nice to feel like he actually knows who I am. It was cool to talk with the rest of the zone, especially my zone leader Elder Shoemake. His from Tri-Cities and he goes home at the end of October. It was so funny talking to him. Also Elder Maradiaga is in my zone too. I talked with him for a bit about what he´s been up to the last month and what was happening in Cañas when I left. I don´t know if you heard about this, but the church finally released a new spanish bible like the english King James Version we use. I´m debating about buying it or not in the mission. I talked to President Gálvez and he said to hold off a bit until he can talk to the area seventies for a missionary discount. That´d be really helpful. I´m willing to bet we´ll be seeing the new missionaires coming in with the new bible.

Sunday we had the baptism of our investigator Janiel. He was so stoaked it was amazing. A lot of members were at the service which made it even better, and everything went smoothly. We had been visiting Janiel every day during the week to make sure nothing happened to keep him from getting baptized. I had a feeling problems might arise, but everything went perfectly fine.

The raining season has FINALLY come. Supposedly the raining season starts in May, but it´s been a really dry Costa Rican "winter". Really hot too (especially in Cañas). Over the last few weeks the rains have finally come. When I first got into the country, an older missionary told me there were only 2 season in Costa Rica: Rain, and Less Rain. We´ve been getting torn apart by the rain these last few days. Power thunderstorms that just turn the roads to rivers when we´re higher up in the mountains of Escazú. Just insane. Luckily the only thing I´ve found Ticos REALLY DO know how to make are umbrellas. I swear they make the best umbrellas in the world, that is if you go with the Penguino brand. =P

My ONE YEAR mark was pretty fun. My comp treated us to McDonalds for lunch (Mmmmmm Big Mac) and then he bought me a cake Thursday night. It was super funny. All day Elder Muñoz was asking me stuff like:
"What were you doing at this time a year ago?"
"...Ummm...I was just arriving at the MTC."
Every hour was like that, I just laughed. So weird to think I´ve been away for a year. That´s just crazy. Doesn´t feel like it at all. That´s super weird about the jury duty thing. They didn´t really ask if I could come home, did they? What the freak??? Normally I would say they pulled a Tico, but I guess people like that aren´t only found in Costa Rica, I just found a way to ignore them in the states. =P

Alright well I don´t have much else to say about the week. The work continues and time keeps flying. My companion Elder Muñoz wants to marry Ashely, just thought I´d let her know that. =P

I love you all and I hope you all have a great week. I´ll talk to you next week!

Tu Hijo,
Elder Nunie

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