Elder Ryan R. Nunez

Costa Rica San Jose Mission
September 2008 - September 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Matter of a Few Degrees

Elder Centeno and I actually had a companionship inventory recently, trying to figure out if we faulted something that could be throwing us off in our efforts. Yesterday I was listening to a talk by President Uchtdorf from the April 2008 General Conference. The talk is entitled "A Matter of a Few Degrees" and he spoke on of simply being off-course by ONE degree, it can put us so far off-course from where we want to be. As far as things we can improve on, the one thing that really stood out to us is that we´ve been spending a little more time in our appointments than we need to. I remember in one of our zone conferences as President Gálvez explained we should leave a home immediatly after the closing prayer, leaving those we visit with the lingering of the Spirit and to ponder more on what was taught. When we stick around for the offer of something to eat or even drink, we begin talking about worldly things and as we leave the lingering Spirit we desire to remain with them isn´t as strong or as present as before. As Alma taught: "...by small and simple things are great things brought to pass..." (Alma 37:6)

Once again we suffered in church attendance, but I´m not going to linger on it. My focus right now is to find new families to bring into the fold and fortify the kingdom here in San Vito. The saying "You can´t teach an old dog new tricks" has repeatedly entered my thoughts over the last week. We need new blood to rejuvenate and clean out the pereza that as intergrated itself here. There weren´t many who accepted us throughout the last week, but Im not going to give up. There´s a reason "endure to the end" is part of the gospel.

There´s been a change of schedule within the mission. Turns out Elder Falabella won´t be coming anymore, so our zone conference was changed for the 27th. Elder Centeno and I are taking it easy, bouncing ideas off one another as to things we can do to fortify the branch and what not. Did I mention I´ve been teaching the elders quorum? That along with everything else is a new experience. There´s definately a big difference between teaching the missionary lessons and teaching a class in church. I´m learning a lot, in every aspect of this experience, despite the difficulties we´ve been facing.

Notthing to exciting has happened lately, just know that I´m okay and doing fine. Keep the members of San Vito in your prayers please, along with myself. I appreciate it. =)

I love you all and I hope you have a great week. Tell Dad happy early birthday for me! I´ll talk to you next week. Ciao!

Tu Hijo,
Elder Nunie

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